Sunday, June 13, 2021

How Business Registration Certificate Is Important For Small Business

Business Registration Certificate (BIC) is necessary for any firm or organization doing business in New Jersey. You can check out the online business registration question to find out if your firm is already registered. Any firm having a permanent establishment or hub in New Jersey, either having out of state presence or a limited presence within the State must first get legal permission to do business in this State before submitting Articles of Organization. You can get the New Jersey Business Registration Certificate easily from your county clerk office.

In order to process your online proof of registration, you will need to complete certain formalities, as per the requirements of the New Jersey Department of Financial Services. Firstly, the County Recorder is to prepare and print the Business Registration Certificate and send it to the address provided by you. The Business Registration Certificate must be accompanied by two supporting documents. These are the signature of the County Recorder and an electronic or printed signature of the registrant. These signatures can be found on the County Recorder's webpage.

Secondly, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Finance is to issue an application, duly executed and signed by the registrant, containing his name, address and Business Registration Certificate. The Business Registration Certificate must be attached to the application. The third document that is required to be attached is the Employer Identification Number or EIN, duly executed and signed by the employer on behalf of the proprietor of the firm. If the firm is an unincorporated construction contractor, then the owner must obtain the business license of the county from the Department of Labor and Finance. A copy of this application along with the Business Registration Certificate should be submitted along with the payroll of the firm.

Thirdly, if you are running your own company, then it has to submit proof that its officers and employees have been licensed by the state in which you are doing the business. It is also your responsibility to submit proof that the services you will be offering are legal and professional. The next document required to be submitted is the N.J.S.A. Contractor Registration that can be obtained from the State Office of Business Registration and Licensing.

Fourthly, if you are dealing with state agencies such as the N.J.S.A., then you should ensure that you have a copy of the contract and any amendments made by the Contractor Registration Agency, forwarded to the Contracting Agencies in New Jersey. In case the Contracting Agencies in New Jersey refuse to grant your registration, then you should forward a letter of demand to the Contracting Agency stating the reasons for not complying with their request. You should make sure that you provide them with an address and contact number of the Contracting Agent who refuses to register you. You can follow this up by sending another letter to the Contracting Agents in New Jersey that they have not complied with the request.

Fifthly, after having filed all the documents with the Contracting Agents in New Jersey; the agent or firm, then should send a request for bids to all the Contracting agencies. The agency or firm, in return shall provide you with their bids along with the other information regarding the bids. The Contracting agents, in turn, shall send their own bid to the leading agency; this will help you identify the best offer and thus you can choose the best deal. If the Contracting agent fails to submit their bid within the stipulated time, then you can take the matter into your own hands and simply cancel the contract; but, it is advisable to notify the leading agency about this at least two months before the auction; otherwise, the Contracting Agency may cancel your registration.

Lastly, you have to submit proof that the firm is registered under the appropriate type of Business Registration Certificate with the New Jersey SBI. You can get the Business Registration Certificate from the county clerk office or from the Contracting agent's office. It is advisable to get all the supporting papers like duly signed lease agreement, promissory note, checks, bills, and any other legal documents.

Once the Contracting Agent in New Jersey receives the bid form from the vendor; he/she shall forward the details to the county clerk for further processing. The next thing, the Contracting Agent in New Jersey will do is to complete the registration form; once done he/she will forward the complete registration form to the county clerk who will review the application, verify the information provided and finally process the bid. The Contracting Agent also makes sure that the payment for the service done is made on time. Thus, it is quite clear that how the process works.

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