Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Why You Should Consider Fiberglass Flat Roofs This Summer

Whether you've considered installing fiberglass roofing on your property, garage, or shed before, or if it's not something you've thought of, this summer it would be a good idea to think about the idea of ​​GRP roofing very seriously, especially after the winter weather we have enjoyed for so many months.

Have you ever looked out the top window at one of your flat roofs? Maybe you have a flat-roofed porch, shed or garage, kitchen extension, or even a second-story extension. If they are not flat fiberglass roofs, there is a very high probability that during the course of winter they have been partially damaged.

At first, the damage may be barely noticeable and a quick glance may not reveal anything extraordinary that requires your attention. But, unfortunately, this is the case very often, and it is only at the point where the damage to the roofs has become so severe that your home is at risk that the damage becomes easily noticeable.

It is for this reason that spending a few minutes now, as the weather is drying up and getting nicer, checking your flat roofs for telltale signs of wear, tear, and damage could save you a lot of money down the road.

Many traditional flat roofs are made with felt roofs, although you may have noticed that new build properties don't tend to use felt as much as used to be the case. Today you will probably notice that newly built properties generally incorporate fiberglass flat roofs, and this is simply because GRP roofs are quicker to install, cheaper to install, and last many times longer than felt roofs, with the added benefit of requiring virtually no maintenance.

One of the main problems with felt ceilings is that the felt material itself is quite flexible and prone to stretching. This often means that when it rains, the water begins to accumulate and collects in the softest and weakest area of ​​the roof.

The weight of this accumulated water causes the felt roof to stretch even more, and this creates a sunken depression that is even more likely to accumulate in the future. Snow has a similar effect, initially gathering in a relatively even layer, but then gathering into a puddle of water as it begins to melt. These pools of water can remain for several days and will gradually cause more and more distortion to the roofing material.

Because flat fiberglass roofs do not warp or stretch, they are immune to this problem and are installed in such a way that build-up is impossible. This alone is a huge advantage over other roofing methods, as it is the pool that causes more damage to flat roofs than anything else.

With GRP roofing you will be safe from water damage, but with felt roofing, stretching and distortion of the material eventually opens gaps at the seams and can also result in tears. These allow water to enter the cavity of the flat roof, and although this is initially unlikely to cause water to enter your home, it will cause the wooden frame of the flat roof to absorb moisture, warp, twist and Crack, which will help open up the gaps. , tears and GRP Grating Systems even wider, allowing more water to enter the ceiling space.

Very quickly, this will cause water to enter the house, and the first sign that this is happening is usually widespread moisture on the wall, which quickly leads to mold growth. This is, of course, a very real health risk, as well as looking unsightly, and if left untreated, there is the potential for serious water damage that could be very costly to repair.

But as the weather improves and it becomes easier to check the condition of your flat roofs after the terrible weather we've been experiencing for the past few months, look for those telltale signs of early roof damage, including warping, warping, cracking. , gaps, or even just a build-up of moss, which is a very clear indication that water has been collecting all winter.

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