Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Sale of labor competency models and systems to senior management

Job competency models describe what superior workers actually do in a job that produces superior results. Armed with this information, recruitment, retention, training, succession planning, and performance management systems can be integrated and designed to attract, develop, and retain the best.

Superior performance that produces superior results means higher sales, productivity and profits. And everything can be measured. Which explains why many organizations have embraced skills technology. It has given HR departments a golden opportunity to demonstrate to line management that HR is capable of adding value that leads to bottom line results. However, there are several factors to consider before embarking on the competitive journey, factors that can make or break your best efforts.

Modify the terminology - make it easy to use, then educate users. The language consultants use to describe competencies technology is often confusing, misleading, and full of jargon - not unlike anything we do. It begins with the definition of competencies.

Most consultants define competence as a skill, knowledge, motive, attitude or characteristic that causes or predicts outstanding performance "(or some similar variation). However, most dictionaries define competence and competence as" sufficient. " or average performance such as "competent to be judged." Several hiring managers have told me that, with the flip side of "competent" being "incompetent," they are concerned that the image that competency systems generate for some people let it be incompetence, an implication that people are incompetent until, of course, they receive the benefit of competing technology.

How unfortunate. Because one of the purposes of Competency Dictionary is to help competent people become more competent, in areas where greater competition will produce superior performance. Each of us has strengths and areas in which we can improve. Competency technology simply does a better job identifying the specific competencies that drive superior performance and assessing the degree to which people have demonstrated those competencies. Our experience has been that once employees understand the concept and purpose of competency modeling, they accept it. If it continues to be a problem, change the name.

A competing model does a better job of conveying the idea of ​​superior performance because the word model means "something to be copied or imitated." A job competency model, therefore, is a "blueprint" for all current and potential occupants to copy, including a list of competencies that are required for superior performance. The competencies required for average performance, those required to survive in a job, can also be detailed in a work model.

The point here is: don't expect everyone to immediately understand and appreciate the importance of competency modeling. Some may feel threatened by it. So, go slow and educate people early on and as you go.

Document and post measurable payments. The key question to ask yourself and others in your organization is, "What is the value of superior performance?" This is easier to answer for some jobs than others, but there is an answer for every job. First, it requires clarity about performance measures.

Since sales jobs have pretty clear measurements, let's take a look at sales jobs to illustrate the point. In an organization, the average annual sales of all salespeople were $ 3.0 million. Top sellers averaged $ 6.7 million in annual sales. The top performer was worth $ 3.7 million in sales per seller. Now translate this into the bell curve that describes the distribution of performance ratings in many organizations. If you can, in fact, increase the percentage of top performers and move the curve to the right, you will add economic value. Each sales position that was filled by a top actor, in the above case, will add $ 3.7 million of sales per year.

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