The conversation has now shifted from whether kids should use an electric toothbrush to choosing the best electric toothbrush for kids.
Dentists are clear in their recommendation. An electric toothbrush has several benefits for even the youngest users. It helps to make the teeth cleaning process more enjoyable and thus it is easier for children to develop the habit of brushing their teeth.
So how do you find the best electric toothbrush for kids? There are certain things to keep in mind that are different from those that guide your adult shopping choices.
1. Children are easily scared
Electric toothbrushes can take a little getting used to. They vibrate, hum and make strange noises while you clean. And the sensation it causes inside your mouth can be uncomfortable at first. Children are also more sensitive to nausea, making the experience of using an electric toothbrush more challenging.

Since their air ducts are smaller, children find larger brush heads more uncomfortable than adults. Brushing more gently and selecting the correct size brush heads are important steps in ensuring that your children enjoy using an bamboo toothbrush manufacturer. Remember, the goal is to get children to enjoy brushing their teeth and maintaining oral hygiene.
2. Children want guidance
Parents are often the first people a child turns to for advice, on any topic. If you demonstrate the correct way to use a toothbrush, children will happily imitate and enjoy using one. So even before you plan to buy kids an electric toothbrush, it might be a good idea for parents to buy one and start using it in front of them, just to show them that it's a good thing, even quite fun.
3. Watch how children breathe
Most children breathe primarily through their nostrils, but some breathe through their mouths. This means that they inhale through their mouth rather than through their nose. Naturally, for these children, using a toothbrush is more inconvenient and unpleasant than for others. It can be difficult to breathe and brush at the same time.
Coupled with your sensitivity to nausea and small airways, the thought of shoving a large toothbrush in your mouth can seem scary. If you notice your child breathing through his mouth, you can compensate by making some adaptations to the brushing process.
Start using a small brush. Keep brushing sessions short. Be gentle. Ensure a positive tone to the entire experience. Introduce new aspects gradually rather than rushing to teach the child everything in a couple of lessons.
4. Go slow with the toothpaste
In reality, children do not need toothpaste to clean their teeth until they are around 5 years old. Some children will not like the taste. Others may not enjoy the feeling of a slimy, sticky gel in their mouth. These can prevent you from brushing your teeth, much less using an electric toothbrush.
If you start with dry brushing, children are more likely to enjoy the experience and continue brushing their teeth for the recommended 2 minutes rather than giving up within seconds. And the duration of cleaning is much more important to achieving dental hygiene than using toothpaste. In fact, only 15% of the cleaning effect of brushing comes from the toothpaste itself. Most of the cleaning is due to brushing, the type of brush head, reaching all areas inside the mouth, and brushing long enough.
With these factors in mind, let's talk about selecting the best electric toothbrush for kids.
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