Friday, September 4, 2020

How to choose the best electric toothbrush: 4 tips

There is no question that using an electric toothbrush is much more effective at keeping teeth clean and white and removing plaque than using a manual toothbrush. However, how do you know which is the best electric toothbrush for your needs? Here are some tips to help you:

Tip No. 1: if you subscribe to Which? magazine, check their back catalog online because at some point or another they are sure to have rechargeable toothbrushes. Their thoroughness and variety of research is second to none, so if you don't have a subscription, it may be worth getting one, especially if you plan to purchase other electrical equipment in the near future.

Tip # 2: Search online using the terms "best electric toothbrush" or "electric toothbrush comparisons" and it will list many sites that have done research and compiled it for you. If you can find a site that shows comparisons in tabular form, it will be much easier to see which toothbrushes have which features.

Tip # 3: Visit the website of a toothbrush manufacturer like Oral-B and refer to the table showing the characteristics of each Oral-B electric toothbrush. This site also has a clever little program that allows you to choose which toothbrush features are most important to you, resulting in recommending the best electric toothbrush that suits your needs. The Philips website also has a comparison feature for its Sonicare toothbrush range. These two are the top manufacturers, although the Arm & Hammer Spinbrush range is popular, but it runs on batteries rather than rechargeable.

Tip No. # 4: Visit and read customer reviews. They don't have a comparison chart that I know of, so you'll need to know what Bamboo toothbrush you're looking for, but there's nothing like reading first-hand experiences from real users to help you choose the best electric toothbrush. If price is an issue for you, you can sort by price from low to high, although if you search for "electric toothbrushes," most of the low-priced results are not electric or are toothbrush head replacements, for which actually improves results if you sort by price from highest to lowest. You can also choose to only view items from a specific manufacturer.

If you find all the different makes and models confusing and you don't have any specific dental issues you need to address, then the best electric toothbrush for you is probably a mid-priced model with two or three different cleaning modes, a timer that tells you when it's time to brush a different quadrant and a battery life indicator.

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