Sunday, August 30, 2020

A controversial issue - Intel Vs AMD

As many of you know, Intel always seems to be one step ahead of AMD when it comes to CPUs. Everyone says "Intel kicks AMD's ass". But is this really true?

Just a few years ago, AMD kicked Intel's ass off with their own new dual-core processor, the Athlon X2's. They were one step ahead of Intel at the time when Intel was still in the Pentium series and all had an AMD CPU. AMD was inside and Intel seemed to slip away.

Two years ago, however, Intel countered AMD with their own dual-core series of CPUs, Intel Core2Duo's. This was a big monster; it beats virtually any AMD CPU. From overclocking capabilities to processing power, the Intel Core2Duo left the AMD CPUs in the dust. Since then, Intel has always been one step ahead of AMD, be it from quad-core CPUs to developing 45nm CPUs.

Forside - GameCastle

Looks like Intel seems to be a lot better than AMD, right? But that is not the whole truth. Intel CPUs beat AMD CPUs on certain benchmarks, but when it comes to running an Intel CPU and AMD CPU side by side with all the default settings, they are actually quite close. Remember, numbers do not tell the whole truth. It's like a graphics card: you have the largest benchmark number in your group of friends, but you won't notice much difference between the two monitors. Same with CPUs; Intel surpasses AMD when it comes to overclocking and other non-default settings, but when it comes to raw performance on storage settings, some AMD CPUs actually come close to Intel's CPUs.

So why does everyone think Intel is so much better than AMD? Mainly due to marketing and the media. We are all swayed by the media without noticing it, and unless someone pays enough attention, putting an Intel CPU benchmark and AMD CPU benchmark side by side, no one will notice.

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